How You Can Help

For many, receiving the initial diagnosis of Alexander Disease is terrifying and isolating. The good news is: you are not alone. Whether you or someone in your family have been recently diagnosed, there is an entire community here for you. If you are here to support a friend or loved one with Alexander Disease or another leukodystrophy, there are so many ways for you to help.

  • Advocacy

    Spread the word and show your support by showing up. It's invaluable. Patients and Patient Advocates are the driving force behind progress. By attending meetings and conferences, speaking out about our experiences, participating in studies like the Natural History Study at CHOP, we give a voice to Alexander Disease. By coming together, we push research and science forward faster.

  • Donate

    Your donations to End AxD are essential to our mission of finding effective treatments and an eventual cure for Alexander Disease. Everything we are doing is geared toward improving the lives and outcomes of AxD patients. Your donation will go towards life-saving research and to help support those affected by AxD.

  • Shop

    10% of proceeds benefit End AxD

  • Events

    Check out local, national and global events!