Research projects are funded by donations from the community.

Targeted Protein Degradation for Alexander disease (Prof Chatterjee, Duke)

In March 2024, End AxD donated $50,000 to Duke University to explore Targeted Protein Degradation of GFAP.

Gene therapy research for Alexander disease (Prof Xie, Prof Gao, UMass Chan)

In March 2023, End AxD donated $74,000 to UMass Chan Medical School to explore a gene therapy treatment.

New approaches to treating Alexander Disease (Prof Feany, HMS, Brigham and Women’s Hospital)

In March 2023, End AxD donated $88,000 to Brigham and Women's Hospital Dr. Mel Feany M.D, Ph.D., a professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital. Funds from the gift will catalyze efforts to identify new approaches to treating Alexander Disease.

GFAP Aggregation (Prof Naor, Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School)

End AxD donated $20,000 to test a small peptide which has shown promise in decreasing protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases, in AxD.

Prof Naor unfortunately passed away in 2024.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

End AxD donated $300,000 to support the Alexander Disease
program at CHOP.